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Food groupage transport

 Food groupage: democratic and sustainable transport

We believe in groupage as a reflection of democratic and sustainable transport: it is not just a way to optimize costs, it is an opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises to compete in the global market. We stand by these entrepreneurs, offering flexible and tailored transport solutions.

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What is food groupage transport?

Food groupage transport is a solution that consolidates shipments from different clients into a single load, optimizing transport resources and reducing costs. But with Fresh Ways, groupage is more than that: it’s a model of logistics that combines economic efficiency with environmental responsibility.
Thanks to groupage, even small businesses can access high-quality temperature-controlled transport, enabling them to enter international markets as easily as large corporations.

Why is groupage transport sustainable?

Food groupage transport optimizes cargo loads, reducing the number of vehicles required and positively impacting the environment. This approach minimizes fuel consumption and lowers CO2 emissions. Every shipment contributes to reducing environmental impact while maintaining the freshness of the products.

Why choose us for temperature-controlled groupage transport?

Groupage transport represents democratic logistics: we provide accessible groupage services to all companies, from small businesses to big producers. We enable every client to expand into international markets by reducing logistical costs.
Groupage transport also reflects our commitment to lowering emissions through optimized load management. By reducing the number of trips, we contribute to more environmentally friendly food transport.
Vehicles are equipped with advanced temperature control systems for refrigerated groupage transports, ensuring the cold chain is maintained for fresh, frozen or ambient products. Every shipment, even shared ones, receives the same care and attention to ensure products always arrive in perfect condition.

Quality assuranceGroupage transport according to Fresh Ways

Human connections

Fresh Ways focuses on attention to detail and building personal relationships with our partners. Every shipment and every collaboration is tailored to the specific needs of each client to deliver truly customized services.

Direct communication

Effective communication is the key to building strong relationships and successful collaborations. For this reason, we developed Omnia, our integrated management system that ensures clear and immediate communication with our clients and partners.

Operational flexibility

Thanks to the strong relationships we have cultivated over time, we rely on a dependable network of carriers and distributors that allows us to quickly adapt to any situation, offering fast and secure solutions, for both small shipments and full loads.

Long-term collaboration

Many of our partners have chosen us for years because they know we are more than just a service provider, we are a true ally in their success. The long-term relationships we have built are a testament to our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

 Service customization and customer focus

Service customization is one of our key strengths. Every client has unique needs and we are dedicated to providing tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements, ensuring efficient and secure temperature-controlled groupage transport. Adopting a customer-oriented approach means carefully listening to the needs of our clients and partners, adapting our services based on the product’s characteristics, destinations and requested delivery times.

Personalization is not just an added value, but a promise. Your goods, our care. Attention to detail, advanced technology and customer-focused approach: Fresh Ways is the ideal partner for companies seeking reliable and flexible temperature-controlled transport solutions.

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Innovation and sustainability at the core of groupage transport

Siamo amanti dell’innovazione, non solo tecnologica. Ogni giorno ci impegniamo a migliorare, cercando di pensare in modo diverso per creare soluzioni sempre più efficaci. Innovare significa trovare nuove strade per trasferire valore ai nostri clienti, rendendo il trasporto a temperatura controllata non solo più efficiente, ma anche più sostenibile.

We are passionate about innovation, not just technological. Every day we strive to think differently to develop increasingly effective solutions. Innovation means finding new ways to deliver value to our clients, making temperature-controlled transport not only more efficient, but also more sustainable.

A constant commitment to sustainability

L’innovazione non riguarda solo la tecnologia, ma anche il modo in cui gestiamo il nostro impatto ambientale. Fresh Ways è impegnata a rendere il trasporto alimentare più sostenibile attraverso l’ottimizzazione dei carichi con il trasporto groupage, che riduce il numero di viaggi e abbassa le emissioni di CO2. Ogni spedizione è gestita con un’attenzione particolare alla sostenibilità, perché sappiamo che un trasporto efficiente può e deve essere rispettoso dell’ambiente.

Innovazione costante

In Fresh Ways, l’innovazione non è un fine, ma un mezzo per offrire un servizio di trasporto groupage più efficiente, sostenibile e orientato al cliente. Il nostro impegno a pensare in modo diverso ci permette di trasferire valore ai nostri partner, garantendo una gestione delle spedizioni più intelligente e responsabile. Con il supporto di Omnia e delle nostre soluzioni eco-sostenibili, guardiamo al futuro con l’obiettivo di migliorare continuamente e fare la differenza nel trasporto a temperatura controllata.

Puntualità e affidabilità

In Fresh Ways, la puntualità e l’affidabilità sono al centro del nostro servizio di trasporto a temperatura controllata. Da sempre, ci impegniamo a garantire che ogni spedizione arrivi puntuale e nelle condizioni ottimali, sia che si tratti di prodotti freschi, surgelati o a temperatura ambiente. La nostra reputazione è costruita su questi valori, che ci permettono di essere un partner di fiducia per produttori e distributori del settore alimentare in tutta Europa.
Nel settore alimentare fresco, la puntualità delle consegne è cruciale per garantire che i prodotti mantengano la freschezza e la qualità. Anche un leggero ritardo può compromettere la sicurezza alimentare, con conseguenti danni sia economici che reputazionali per i produttori e per gli importatori. Fresh Ways si distingue per la capacità di rispettare i tempi di consegna, grazie a una pianificazione logistica accurata e alla collaborazione con una rete di trasportatori e distributori dell’ultimo miglio altamente qualificati.
La nostra vasta rete di Partner logistici, che copre tutta Europa e il Regno Unito, ci consente di garantire una copertura su larga scala, mantenendo alti standard di efficienza e affidabilità. Questi Partner ci permettono di gestire con successo l’ultima fase del trasporto, assicurando che i prodotti alimentari raggiungano in modo puntuale e nelle migliori condizioni la destinazione finale, anche le più complesse.

Gestione della catena del freddo

Ogni veicolo utilizzato per le spedizioni è dotato di sistemi di controllo della temperatura, che assicurano il mantenimento delle condizioni ottimali per ogni tipo di prodotto alimentare. Questo livello di attenzione ai dettagli ci permette di offrire un servizio affidabile e di alta qualità, riducendo al minimo i rischi legati a sbalzi di temperatura.

Flessibilità e adattabilità

Fresh Ways è in grado di adattarsi rapidamente a cambiamenti o imprevisti, grazie alla nostra organizzazione flessibile e all’uso di tecnologie avanzate. Che si tratti di piccole spedizioni in groupage o di carichi completi, garantiamo sempre che le consegne avvengano in modo puntuale e affidabile.
Scegliere Fresh Ways significa affidarsi a un Partner che pone la puntualità e l’affidabilità al primo posto. Ogni spedizione viene trattata con la massima cura, garantendo che i prodotti arrivino a destinazione in perfette condizioni e nei tempi previsti. Grazie al nostro impegno verso l’eccellenza e al supporto di Omnia, offriamo un servizio di trasporto a temperatura controllata che unisce efficienza, sicurezza e precisione.

A constant commitment to sustainability

Innovation is not only about technology, but also about how we manage our environmental impact. Fresh Ways is committed to making food transport more sustainable through load optimization with groupage transport, reducing the number of trips and lowering CO₂ emissions. Every shipment is handled with special attention to sustainability, because we believe that efficient transport can and must be environmentally friendly.

Constant innovation

At Fresh Ways, innovation is not a goal, but a means to provide a more efficient, sustainable and customer-oriented groupage transport service. Our commitment to thinking differently allows us to deliver added value to our partners, ensuring smarter and more responsible shipment management. With the support of Omnia and our eco-friendly solutions, we look to the future with the goal of continuous improvement and making a real difference in temperature-controlled transport.

Punctuality and reliability

Punctuality and reliability are at the core of our temperature-controlled transport service. We are committed to ensuring that every shipment arrives on time and in optimal conditions, whether transporting fresh, frozen or ambient products. Our reputation is built on these values, making us a trusted partner for food producers and distributors across Europe.

In the fresh food sector, timely deliveries are crucial to preserving product freshness and quality. Even a slight delay can compromise food safety, resulting in economic and reputational damage for producers and importers. Fresh Ways stands out for its ability to meet delivery deadlines, thanks to meticulous logistics planning and collaboration with a network of highly qualified last-mile transporters and distributors.

Our extensive network of logistics partners, covering Europe and the UK, ensures broad-scale coverage while maintaining high efficiency and reliability standards. This network enables us to successfully manage the final transport phase, ensuring that food products reach even the most complex destinations on time and in the best condition.

Cold chain management

Every vehicle used for shipments is equipped with temperature control systems, ensuring that optimal conditions are maintained for every type of food product. This attention to detail allows us to provide a reliable, high-quality service, minimizing risks related to temperature fluctuations.

Flexibility and adaptability

Fresh Ways can quickly adapt to changes or unforeseen events, thanks to our flexible organization and the use of advanced technologies. Whether it’s small groupage shipments or full loads, we always ensure timely and reliable deliveries. Choosing Fresh Ways means relying on a partner that prioritizes punctuality and reliability.

Every shipment is handled with the utmost care, ensuring that products arrive on time and in perfect condition. With our commitment to excellence and the support of Omnia, we offer a temperature-controlled transport service that combines efficiency, safety and precision.

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Continuous innovationIntegrated Information Hub

Thanks to Omnia every client has full control over their shipments, with the ability to monitor the different stages and receive constant updates. With Omnia you can track shipment status, easily access related documents and stay informed at all times.

Our network of highly qualified carriers and distributors allows us to serve all of Europe and the United Kingdom with maximum punctuality and precision, regardless of the number of pallets being shipped.

Our services Explore our temperature-controlled transport services

Frozen transport

We ensure reliable frozen food transportation, maintaining products at the ideal temperature to preserve their freshness and quality.

Fresh transport

We preserve the freshness of food products with precise and monitored transportation, ensuring optimal quality upon arrival.

Ambient transport

We provide safe transportation for stable goods, with meticulous handling and punctual deliveries across Europe

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